My 1968 Cessna Cardinal


When I bought the aircraft, it had an older set of various avionics.














The ADF worked, but the face plate with the digits had stopped working.

I decided it was the first thing to go, since I had no plans of using NDB’s for navigation anyway.

First modification was the addition of the GARMIN GPSMAP 396. This also meant I had to re-shuffle the radio stack.















At this time I had also re-painted the panel and the interior. I would later on re-paint it again.

Eventually, I decided to upgrade most of the other instruments and avionics.

The audio panel was replaced by a PS Engineering PMA 6000CM with integrated marker beacon receiver and a bunch of selections for pilot  and co-pilot reception and transmission.

The old NARCO 11a Com was replaced by a second NARCO Mk12D and a second NARCO ID 825 LOC/GS indicator. In order to fit the second indicator, I removed the NARCO 112 VOR.

The old NARCO transponder was replaced by a new digital NARCO AT 165

I also had the altimeter and airspeed indicator overhauled and the pitot and static system fixed and IFR certified as there was a small leak.

I removed my old analog CHT’s and EGT and replaced them with Aerospace Logic’s digital, full scanning 4 cylinder systems.

In order to fit the new avionics, another reshuffling had to be made.















This is what the panel looks like after I was done with the upgrades.