My 1968 Cessna Cardinal

Previous modifications

When I bought the aircraft in February 2006, it already had a few STC’d modifications on it.

First of all, after only 20hrs total time (back in 1968) it was converted from 150hp to a 180hp Lycoming O-360 A1A.

The STC for this upgrade is called the “Bush conversion” and includes propeller and baffles changes.

Right now the baffle seals are being replaced and the baffles are going to be re painted and the valve covers will be re painted too.















Another modification was the Monarch fuel caps. These add more drag, but they prevent water from sipping in to the tanks and they are also very easy to open and close.













Last modification that was already done was the Control yokes from  Avion Research. They look really nice and they have a nice solid feel to them.